Monday, October 17, 2016

Another machine challenge !!

As Posted before, every new order, is a new challenge for me...I'm working again, in one big challenge.. a Yamaha motorcycle! a customized order. For me is very difficult to realize non organical figures. But as I've made in my course for children, one of my little students ask me for a motorcycle, I've certain idea of where to begin. That make the work more "easy". I started with the sketch of the machine, to dimension in my head, the main figure, and how would I develop it in a sculpture, that would not weight too much. The easiest would be to make a plasticine sculpture, but the weight would be too much, and in the other hand the durability of the piece, both were problems, then have to be resolve them, by making a sculpture with paper and cardboard. I'm still developing the volume.. so I can't sing Victory yet... I have to cut and paste, so many times now.. but I think I'm resolving it. So far, so good, let's see what happens :)

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